HG Lithium Densifier
HG Lithium Densifier
Aqueous inorganic low-alkali solution
Good wetting and penetration ability
Produces waterproof and acid-resistant gels
Does not cause efflorescense
Easy to apply and store
Heat resistant
Insensitive to microbial attack.
ECOGUARD HG Lithium Densifier consists of a proprietary formulation of micro–lithium silica in an aqueous solution.
The application of this solution results in a very hard concrete surface, with excellent abrasion resistance and added water & stain repellence.​
Concrete’s surface density is increased by enhanced hydration, adjusting the pH value with carbon acid and reacting with free alkali. This reactivity results in a waterproof composite of silica and lithium carbonate formation at the concrete’s surface and sub-surface, at depth dictated by the overall porosity and presence of open capillaries.
Application & Handling​
ECOGUARD HG Lithium Densifier is suitable for all unsealed and porous concrete floors. Depending on the absorbing capacity and porosity of the concrete to be treated, the application ratio ranges from 200-300 SF per gallon,​
ECOGUARD HG Lithium Densifier is available as Ready to Use or in concentrate which can be diluted with potable water at a ratio of 1:4.​
It is recommended to apply HG Lithium after grinding up to #100 grit. It is best applied by spraying on the surface and spread with a synthetic micro-fiber applicator.
If there is a need for multiple applications due to surface porosity and/or concrete softness, allow the surface to dry to the touch in between applications.​
This product is suitable for internal and external applications