4 Factors To Look For In A Polished Concrete Filler Manufacturer
Every year, the world produces approximately 7 billion cubic meters of concrete for a wide array of uses. Concrete is a mix of 60 to 75% aggregate materials, 15 to 20% water, and 10 to 15% cement. This mixture needs to be completely cured before any kind of grinding and polishing can occur.
But once it’s time to officially polish your concrete and fill in the cracks, you need to make sure that the polished concrete filler you’re using is from a reputable source. How do you know whether a polished concrete filler manufacturer is worth using?
Here are four characteristics to look for in a reputable polished concrete filler manufacturer:
- Efficiency. Efficiency is important when it comes to manufacturing quality. There are many steps that go into accomplishing high surface tension and a high-quality gloss on a concrete floor. Every concrete slab presents challenges, whether that slab is existing or the concrete is new. You want field-tested and proven efficient systems for a polished concrete floor.
- Simplicity. Manufacturers that focus on simplicity are committed to an efficient and effective manufacturing process that lowers costs and delivers equal-or-better products than others on the market. Simplicity ensures that a manufacturer is searching for ways to improve its performance and technology for optimal results.
- Ingenuity. Many concrete filler and diamond abrasive manufacturers continue to use older technology and low tooling cost. But it’s a good idea to look for a manufacturer that’s innovative in their technology use. Look for a company that not only reduces their labor costs while manufacturing diamond abrasives that are highly efficient and effective but also uses the latest technology available to them. The latest technology ensures that the potential problems you find in polishing concrete can be resolved.
- Sustainability. Sustainability is one of the most important factors to look for in a manufacturer of concrete fillers and diamond abrasives. Look for a manufacturer that’s committed to green technology and user-friendly chemicals that are still high-quality and high-performance.
In the market for polished concrete filler or resin diamond abrasives? ECOGUARD has the products you need for your concrete polishing system. For more information on patching polished concrete or to learn more about our concrete crack repair kits and fillers, contact ECOGUARD today.